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Tiny java library that enables simple UI elements on ANSI console based terminals

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Tiny java library that provides simple UI elements on ANSI console based terminals. ConsoleUI is inspired by Inquirer.js which is written in JavaScript.

This repository is outdated!

Please notice, since the beginning of 2024, ConsoleUI is an official part of the jline3 library. Further development takes place in the repository of jline3.


I was impressed by JavaScript based Yeoman which leads the user through the process of creating new projects by querying with a simple user interface on the console. An investigation how this is done, brought me to Inquirer.js which implements a very simple and intuitive set of controls for checkbox, list and text input.

Because I didn’t found anything comparable to this in the Java eco system, I decided to write Console UI as a library with the same easy ‘look and feel’. Some parts of the API are also comparable, but Console UI is not a Java clone of Inquirer.js.


Console UI currently supports:

A screen recording of the basic elements demo can be fund on Youtube console UI demo.


Console UI uses jansi and jline for the dirty console things.

Maven artefact

ConsoleUI releases are available at Maven Central de.codeshelf.consoleui » consoleui

Test Run

You can get an idea how the project works by looking at de.codeshelf.consoleui.Basic.
You can run this by executing the following from the project root:

gradlew fatJar 
java -jar build/libs/consoleui-all-0.0.10.jar     # <- replace with the latest version


Hint: see the how to to get a more detailed documentation how to use ConsoleUI.

Before you can use ConsoleUI the AnsiConsole library has to be initialized.


Entry point to the builder classes is to create a new object of type ConsolePrompt.

ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt();

From the prompt object, use the getPromptBuilder() method to create the builder for all subsequent UI elements you want to use.

PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();

From with this PromptBuilder you can access UI builder with the following methods:


Version 0.0.13

Version 0.0.12